Friday, January 14, 2011

Possible Oscar nominees for 2010

Inception - Visually stunning but completely lacking in a real connection with the audience. It is an interesting idea with a great cast and supposedly represents the movie making process and its ever changing palette from different writers to the directors interpretation(So Chris Nolan Says). I look forward to The Dark Knight Rises! Casting news has been posted and it is very intriguing.
127 Hours - Personally I like Sunshine and Millions better than this story. The thing I enjoyed most was seeing how far James Franco has come as an Actor. He has really honed his craft and I think this coming year will put him on the mainstream map.
Black Swan - Not as good as the Wrestler but a very internalized story of how pressure and the chance of fame can take a toll on someones mental faculties.
True Grit - I thought this was a great movie. I love westerns when they are done well and the Coen brothers did not disappoint. The acting is superb by everyone involved and there is definitely more depth from this version than earlier one with John Wayne(I like that one too though). I have not read the book but I assume that the Coen brothers dug through it for more emotional depth and a little more realism.
The Fighter - This movie is in the bottom tier as a boxing movie. There have been so many movies about the sport and the kind of personalities that get into the ring that it takes something extraordinary to elicit a great response. The best thing about the movie is Christian Bale. I will bet now that he will win for Best Supporting Actor.
The Kings Speech - Absolutely amazing. I will bet that Colin Firth will win best actor. I have always liked Colin Firth and he brings such an emotional depth to this character that one is compelled to have true empathy towards him. Guy Pearce, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham Carter, Timothy Spall, and Michael Gambon are all amazing. I would love to see Timothy Spall in a movie about Churchill.
The Kids Are Alright - This movie has a lot going for it. It treads on independent film territory with insightful dialogue and feeling without seeming cliched. The entire cast was well played and realistic enough to believe that these characters actually care for one another. Mia Wachowski did an excellent job and ever since I witnessed her capabilities on the first season of In Treatment I knew she was going to be a great actress. Annette Benning has never been better. Julianne Moore is always terrific and Mark Ruffalo has built an impresive resume in the past few years. If you have not seen The Brothers Bloom or Zodiac check them out.
Social Network - the acting is superb, the story is interesting, but I did not love this movie. First off the main character has no redeeming qualities about him. Even the supporting characters have enough similar flaws that one is not able to feel any real connection with them. Maybe this was the point of the movie on a different level for us to feel some disconnect from them as we have become so alienated with the world around us and can only socialize with others through social media websites.