Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Best Vampire movie since.........

If you have not seen Let the Right One In go out Immediately and watch it. This is the best Vampire movie I have seen in quite a while. I loved the mythology and the cinematography. It is based on a book and they are remaking it for American audiences. Supposedly it will cover different things from the book, but if it is like the rest of Hollywood remakes it will suck.

Best ones that I could think of:
Nosferatu - Herzog remake
Shadow of the Vampire
Interview with a Vampire

Best double features

Best double features I can think of right now are

No Country for Old Men and There Will Be Blood. Both are genius and both make you uneasy and uncertain about life. I think I could watch these two movies in a loop forever.

Sunshine and Moon. Both follow the human psyche through the perils of work in space and the outcomes of both can alter the mood of your day significantly.

Letters from Iwo Jima and Fires on the Plain. The first is Clint Eastwood's better of the two war pictures about the island and the other is my favorite war movie of all time. This is what I imagine war to be like utter hell. This movie was banned for years in Japan due to the unabashed look at what really happens in wartime.

Hidden Fortress and Seven Samurai. Settle in for a day of subtitles and samurais and have fun trying to pick out what movies ripped story lines straight from these magnificent movies.

Mean Streets and Goodfellas. See how Scorsese has changed the face of cinema in a matter of hours with a personal film and with a book as his source material.


Noah Baumbach co wrote this with his wife Jennifer Jason Leigh and directed this and it feels like some of his other work. It also has some Robert altman type shots that reminded me of Shortcuts. Due to Leigh's involvement you get a hint of the Anniversary Party in the pacing of the script. I thought at times it was laugh out loud funny and I think I have met some people like the ones in the story. Ben Stiller does an amazing job and Rhys Ifans is growing on me more and more. Definitely worth a watch.

Great Television

To get you caught up on some enjoyable t.v. to watch here is a list of shows that you may like.

Sopranos - Mob life with rich characters
Curb Your Enthusiasm - Larry David speaks his mind
Arrested Development - genius timing and fantastic writing
Dexter - Micheal C. Hall plays one of the best villains you love to root for ever
Deadwood - David Milch is a genius
True Blood - guilty pleasure that makes me laugh
Generation Kill - great war story
Spaced U.K. - Simon Pegg smoking it up and loving pop culture references
Office U.K. - Ricky Gervais as a lovable a**hole
Extras U.K. - Ricky Gervais at his best
X-Files - great science fiction and creepy to boot
The Wire - best police drama maybe ever
Battlestar Galactica the re-imagining - great science fiction and lots of twists and turns. I am amazed by the visuals. Great cast all around
Breaking Bad - O.M.G. this is like the best show on television right now. Every episode is a mind blower with uber-genius writing. I have not felt this way since Dexter and Sopranos.
The Boondocks - gets me every time - hilarious
In Treatment - Mind trip at how amazing these actors are and hats of to Gabriel Byrne.
Rome - great story lines with lots of blood spilt
Freaks and Geeks - best show ever about coming of age in middle and high school. Did anyone really enjoy that time of their lives?
Undeclared - sub-par to Freaks and Geeks but it is enjoyable
Eastbound and Down - the life of Kenny Powers is hilarious and tragic and I am looking forward to see where this show is going to go.
30 Rock - very funny show with a lot of inside humor about the biz and also night cheese!
- The only show with a laugh track that I can sit through and even though it hits the beats like all the other sitcoms it has a strange absurdity too it that makes me all warm inside. It makes me miss Phil Hartman.
Oz - great prison show filled with lots of great actors.
Bored to Death - really funny show with lots of talent.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - fun show with some great characters and lots of teen drama.

The Purpose of This Blog

I want to preface this blog with a mild disclaimer. You may get your mind blown if you read these posts and decide to partake in watching what I recommend to you. My main goal of this blog is to inform my fellow cine philes and celluloid geeks about fantastic television, and movies. I might delve into books and music sometimes, but that is not my main purpose. Once upon a time my friends and I would gather around a television and be immersed in a night of flickering images and reflect on what we had just witnessed. Most of the time the experience led to great discussions and on the rare occasion mental anguish. I hope you enjoy my recommendations and sometimes disgust at films or television shows and can walk away with a decent nights programming lined up for you and your friends and say "Hey that was worth watching and no I do not want those two hours of my life back."

Television done well - Carnivale

I just finished watching the entire series of Carnivale. I was blown away at the depth and subtle complexity that this show had. If Carnivale and Lost were in a UFC ring bout, Carnivale would rip Lost a new one. This show was well written with a clear purpose and agenda that not only satisfies but keeps you coming back for more. It is a bit X-Files, Twin Peaks, and Deadwood with a splash of Lost before it went down the toilet somewhere after season 2. I highly recommend watching Carnivale and I am telling you that this show will linger with you for weeks after you finish it. I have pondered the layout, setting, actions of all the characters and I do not think I would change a thing. It is not the most perfect television series but I wish I would have watched it while it was airing so I could have given my support. I hope that HBO makes a movie out of it someday because there is plenty of material left to hash out.