Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Purpose of This Blog

I want to preface this blog with a mild disclaimer. You may get your mind blown if you read these posts and decide to partake in watching what I recommend to you. My main goal of this blog is to inform my fellow cine philes and celluloid geeks about fantastic television, and movies. I might delve into books and music sometimes, but that is not my main purpose. Once upon a time my friends and I would gather around a television and be immersed in a night of flickering images and reflect on what we had just witnessed. Most of the time the experience led to great discussions and on the rare occasion mental anguish. I hope you enjoy my recommendations and sometimes disgust at films or television shows and can walk away with a decent nights programming lined up for you and your friends and say "Hey that was worth watching and no I do not want those two hours of my life back."

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