Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Best double features

Best double features I can think of right now are

No Country for Old Men and There Will Be Blood. Both are genius and both make you uneasy and uncertain about life. I think I could watch these two movies in a loop forever.

Sunshine and Moon. Both follow the human psyche through the perils of work in space and the outcomes of both can alter the mood of your day significantly.

Letters from Iwo Jima and Fires on the Plain. The first is Clint Eastwood's better of the two war pictures about the island and the other is my favorite war movie of all time. This is what I imagine war to be like utter hell. This movie was banned for years in Japan due to the unabashed look at what really happens in wartime.

Hidden Fortress and Seven Samurai. Settle in for a day of subtitles and samurais and have fun trying to pick out what movies ripped story lines straight from these magnificent movies.

Mean Streets and Goodfellas. See how Scorsese has changed the face of cinema in a matter of hours with a personal film and with a book as his source material.

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